X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) is a powerful analytical technique able to identify several elements in samples, e.g. Aluminum (Al), Chromium (Cr), steels elements and others. It provides several advantages when exploited as In-line analysis tool [Figure 1].


It is extremely fast, going as fast as 1 milliseconds to provide a measure. The measuring time can be adapted according to conveyor belt speed, pieces geometries and characteristics and other requirements. XGLAB systems can also be exploited in combination with a trigger signal from other devices. The output provided by the measuring systems contains information on the samples, the quality of the measure, the status of the system, e.g.  the temperatures of its internal components, currents and voltages, and so on.

Systems can be customized, to adapt at best to measuring conditions, samples characteristics, and other specific needs. Active measuring area, measuring speed, excitation source are available in different options.

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